Monday, December 12, 2011

hey sorry about Saturday. I wasn't home all day. However I did get some cool combos such as today's. Here it goes. you need two cards and you can summon all you want. All you have to play is Mysterious Puppeteer and Unlimited Offering. Activate UO and then you can pay 500 LP to have extra normal summons. Then play MP when you play a monster you gain 500 LP so thet makes is free. Now for the rule if two 0 ATK point monsters in ATK position and do battle no one is destroyed. That's all for now. Thanks guys.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

good morning USA so from now on i will give you tips on the yugioh rules so here it goes in a tournament there is a list of forbidden cards limited cards and semi-limited cards here it is and the card combo of the day is you need creature swap and any spirit monster spirit monsters are monsters that return to the owners hand at the end of the turn so by playing creature swap you get a monster and your opponent gets a monster until the end of your turn thanks for reading